Thursday, 14 August 2008

Vampire knight manga and anime characters

Vampire Knight is going well!!! I just finished reading Chap 42 on OneManga (the label on the right hand side). And that is the chapter which was recently uploaded on ONEMANGA! Come on Chap 43 please! It is getting quite exciting! Really appreciate your comments if you have any~

Correlation Chart - click to enlarge

The official website and more is found here. That was where I got all my pictures from!
Except for the manga ones...

There are also news on the website about the superb voices behind the anime. So unlucky that I can't understand Japanese even though I have studied it for quite some time. The website Japanese is way past my Japanese! HERE!!!!

Crew members and the ones up the front are holding the scripts which obviously mean that they are the voices.

Zero Kiryu voice actor, Yuuki Cross voice actress and Kaname Kuran voice actor. Yay

On the website was this cool is actually fortune telling cards. COOL! But man! I keep getting great misfortune!! Aw!!! Why always Akatsuki Cain????! Great Misfortune?! Aw man...

VAMPIRE KNIGHT manga and anime distinctions

The following opinions and comments are made solely on the comparison of these animated images that I have on my blog. Shadows play an important part in conveying moods, and unfortunately, I do not have the time to watch the episodes!! Plus I do not want to spoil the story for many!!! Er...please correct my mistakes.

Also, if you have any comments of your own about what you noticed by the way each character is drawn and express, or any other comments for that matter, you are welcomed!

Yuuki Cross is the main girl of the story. Unfateful twist for her. She looks way better drawn in the manga.

Kaname be honest in the manga, the way Kuran is drawn does portray someone who is certainly in the highest class and hierarchy of vampires. And the personality matches the type of face that is drawn by the artist. Well done!

Zero Kiryu. Poor boy! Oh I like the manga drawings! So gooood! Zero looks so serious in here and superbly drawn! His emotions are conveyed so strongly in the manga with the use of shadows, shading and angles!

Hanabusa Idou is a vampire and a very faithful person. Doesn't he seem reliable??? hahaa does the face say it all?

Akatsuki Cain and his manga form. He is a vampire but I have a hard time distinguishing him and Hanabusa Idou in the manga!! I am not really "up to date" (so to speak) with his character....

Kaien Cross, the father of Yuuki. He is cheerful and always dad is like that too! Wears glasses and has a calm warm face.

Vampire Hunter-
Yagari Touga. He has this sinister look eh? I am not sure whose side he really is on because he can be unpredictable! This manga image depicts it.

Seiren who is a minor character. Vampire too and very serious...she is good at fighting.

Senri Shiki....I am not too sure about his role since him and Hanabusa looks alike at times and I can't distinguish them because I do not pay attention to the specific details (I mean by hair because that is the biggest difference). Ah I can't find a good manga picture without speech bubbles coming in the way heh.

Kiryu Ichiru ( I think ) Twin brother of Zero. He is very cold-hearted and often has a spaced out look at times. None the less he is awesome just like his brother!

Takuma Ichijou looks like Zero's twin! I am not sure if he is up to something bad or not. Maybe he is but he is still under Kaname Kuran....I have no idea eh?

Luca Souen who is in love with Kuran. She plays a very very minor role too!

Rima girl? not sure....don't tell me if it will ruin the story for me! But I am sure that she appeared early in the anime so she must be in the manga too! I ccan't remember.....

Ok come to think of it, the animated pictures do not seem to look like the ones in the anime. ahaha.

Current Mood: Analysing


Anonymous said...

your profile is a really good help to finding out more about the characters in this anime/manga series. thankyou i enjoyed reading and looking at your site.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon, for listening to my ramblings hehe. I will be posting up something about Vampire Knight Guilty, hopefully.

Hope to hear more from you again soon. =D

Anonymous said...

thanks!! i really love the anime. 4 skool i have to make a website bout it so i am using your pics. but i will say that they're yours. *i Would NEVER plagurise something as sacred as Vampire Night TM

Phoebe said...

Hey TM! hehe plagarise? I don't mind people taking my pictures but do appreciate comments. Just so you know, I got it from the original Japanese websites and I think that the pictures are lovely so here they are! I don't take credit for the images but do appreciate the credit for doing summaries.

You have to make a website for school?! Pass me the link. I want to watch the anime but on tv and not online. :( its so expensive to buy it here in NZ...I don't know anybody that is interested in it. haha...

Anonymous said... vampire hunter's name is Yagari Touga...^^ Jz gotta Love the pics huh? Haha...

Phoebe said...

Gosh thanks for that! I have made a change to it!! The manga is pretty good~ though still can't tell which is Cain and Idou...only by the fringe.

Kana-chan said...

Hey....nice vampire knight pics they all kick butt!! Im more of a Zero Kiryu fan though to be honest. ^__^

Anonymous said...

Rima is just a regular student in the night class. No spoilers. She eats potchki or whatchamacollit those cracker sticks with chololate