Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Breath of Fire 2 done

Finished Breath of Fire 2 & I think there is number 3 on Playstation 1? Not sure...I will check. This game is far more tedious than number 1 & not to mention very very hard! The GBA version is apparently easier than the old Super Nintendo...ok? Nevertheless it took me a while to finish because you cannot miss anything or you are dead...

Overall, the story is good & it unfolds but I am sorry...the Americans did not do a good job of translating it. The fighting is fair...but you need to train up a lot. Plus, each character have unique uses for obstacles in the game so its quite annoying to supervise them if you did not train them. After all, you can only take 4 characters including yourself out of 8.

Demon shown at the beginning of the game. Even though this character looks the same compared to the 1st game, this is actually around 4-5 generations after the 1st game.

You can even fish & catch animals for ingredients to make better items! But you have to do catch it with skill haha You can transport by whale, bird & town-ship! That happens in order as you advance in the game...

There is actually a Church city! Every house has a statue of God (or so it seems...) whereas that is not the God I am talking about haha & the chapel is guarded by a robot!

B=my older brother...I couldn't change the name so I am stuck with B! That is my statistics.

I think they are the creators of the game because there are no characters like them in the game

THE END! Though I am not so sure....need to find out!!! Time for my next game.....haha

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