Finally!! I have finished
Lunar 2!! This RPG (role playing game much like final fantasy for example) game honestly took a long time.
46 hours of hard training and reaching level 76 is how I had finish this game! hahaha I was a little bit reluctant to finish this game because the training went on for probably half of the time. I started training very hard from Level can imagine how many hours put into that to reach up to 76! Obviously, this is a much longer game compared to the prequel Silver Star Story where I managed to finish the first one in 27 hours.
SO anyway, even for a playstation which was the beginning of 3D games you could say, Lunar 2 adopted a modest graphical design whereby also keeping it original to the
first game on Gameboy Advance yet develops anime scenes to better off enhance the atmosphere in the game. Therefore, you better watch the scenes and it won't repeat for you again!! The only downfall to this game might I have to say is that the whole thing is in English. The battle voices, the scenes were painfully heard haha sad...I know. My Japanese is not good to read or listen to this story so I had to play this game in English. It really is a pity! I wished that it wasn't dubbed but subtitles are placed instead.

L: Solving puzzles
R: Scene about the corrupted Goddess
The graphics are cartoon-like and the characters can travel diagonal, yet the camera angle is only directed above them. So again, it is not 3D, but I have enjoyed it at this level because I can't really appreciate stiff 3D characters in most playstation games haha or blurred visions for that matter of a fact.

L: Fighting the White dragon
R: All dragons join forces to defeat the stirring evil
If a character dies during a battle against monsters, once you have defeated them, they will still be alive but with only 1 health. Just heal them fully. The downside to it is that they do not gain experience from fighting those monsters or even bosses so make sure that in order to gain a lot of experience, quickly revive them during battle and keep healing. I think that this concept is quite fair in the game as some other games need you to travel back to cities or towns just to revive them. Also, to clear things up, Luna is an extra character in the game and proves to be useful at times.

L: Towards the ending, getting ready to face Zophar; the ultimate boss. Don't know why he is like a cross-dresser. Made me squirm haha.
R: Zophar had 4 different forms! Was difficult to beat him at level 53! Should've aimed for 55 lol.
From here on out under the cut, these are ending spoilers!! Do not reveal if you are still playing this or wanting to play it (actually, people would have already played it since playstation is really old)! Unless you have played it or don't care, view it fully at your leisure.