Friday, 26 December 2008

Kamen Rider Kiva Screencaps #06

Kamen Rider Kiva is moving along quite fast into episode 6 where you get to see how both timelines react to similar events with a strikingly captivating connection. I can't tell you how exciting this is! And for that reason, there are huge spoilers in here so don't read it or you'll be in for a huge disappointment! This is a continuation from episode 5.

It took me a long time to try and scale down the number of screencaps that I have because I am trying not to reveal too much. Hope this is a good one for you. Reveal it to read further.

Comments would be nice~

Episode 6
Replay: Humans are all musicc
( 21 screencaps)

Kiva is gone....Nago-kun can't do anything about it.

However...back in 1986 lurks a terrible evil that is about to recommence in 2008!

Looking around for Yuri; determined to get her back!

1986 Remember me, Yuri?? Spider Fangire! He's actually quite creepy and intends to marry Yuri.

2008 Megumi trapped and Wataru trying to save her. Megumi having the same fate as her mother!!

1986 Like father like son. Otoya fails dreadfully.

1986 Cathedral where both Fangire and Human will be wedded (the dress reflects the year, I will give credit for that).

2008 again the same (the dress is so ugly! ahaha is the new white black??).

The men protecting the women of their period. *Huge spoiler next*~ Otoya is of course...just selfish and only protects Yuri & Wataru is protecting a friend...or is it sister? Haha!!!

1986 Someone attacking the Spider it a Fangire too?

2008 Wataru calls for aid from a boy. Transformation sequence!!!

left with the eyes of a man in desperate need to fill his hunger

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