Rarrr! Who knew so much could be packed into half an hour??! This is absolutely crazy! As written, I have lots of screencaps (39) that I simply couldn't cut down! SO YES! MAJOR major major spoilers ahead! I would appreciate comments. Whoopee will have a break coming up soon so can have more time for my hobby! hahaah anyway, reveal the post to read the rest. 3 more episodes to go!
Episode 45
With You: Final Transformation
(39 screencaps)

King's true form is revealed.

Luckily Otoya and Wataru managed to get away

Maya is with Kivato the 2nd

Kivato 2nd is going to help out!!! He is the bomb! And Kivato 3rd was soo impressed with his father lol

Maya asks Wataru to lend his power and warned Otoya not to use Kivato 2nd's power.

2008 Bishop revealed the truth to Taiga; he killed Mio. Taiga's anger burned.

Wataru fighting against King and he cannot go up against King alone.

Wataru then defended Otoya and received a blast.

King left quickly. But Wataru is concerned about his father.

Maya caught up with Otoya and is worried about him. She gave way because she had the resolve to live with him and let him make his own decisions no matter how much she wants him to avoid it. This scene was by far the most sad one of all!!!

Otoya is at Castle Doran trying to rescue his monster friends

He quickly asked Kivato 2nd again for help. 2nd time.....

Wataru was directed by his mother/father to quickly rescuse Taiga while King is busy with Otoya.

Castle Doran was dominated and possessed by a huge Fangire

Otoya lost his Dark Kiva form and struggling

Taiga is crying!

And Otoya faints
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