MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!! I simply can't seem to cut any screencaps out!!! So you better not ruin it for yourself if you haven't seen it, but I guess the title says it all!! Click on the smaller image as I managed to merge 2 images together. Appreciate comments! Phew! This is a long post! Reveal under the cut.
2 more episodes to go!
Episode 46
Fullstop: Farewell Otoya
(42 screencaps)

Wataru holding his father in his arms.

Otoya still tries to stand up

King is trying to kill Wataru

Otoya still has IXA with him

However, King is still too powerful and knocked Otoya out of IXA.

The arm floats in the river

Otoya quickly calls Kivato 2 for the 3rd time.

Maya calling out to the 2 most important people in her life

Taiga protected his mother from King's powers.

It deflected and destroyed King. Seems like a new King is born.

Otoya is being strong in front of Wataru.

Wataru looks over at Bloody Rose where his father's soul is in. That's why the sound keeps on ringing whenever people are in trouble!

Both guys at Mio's grave....Seriously!! She is not that good!! hahaha I so don't like her. They both fight for their own places.

Otoya helping Yuri out in the rain. He asked her what was the secret ingredient to making good omelette rice? She whispered: love.

He left saying the rain will soon come to a halt.

When the sky cleared, he was gone.

He asked the monsters to take care of Wataru and with a blink of an eye, he disappeared. To be honest, I think that they shot it during different days because the lighting is sooo different.

The guys are still fighting

Nago is loosing his eyesight

The cutest couple ever here where Otoya made her omelette rice with love.

He played her the song that he composed for her.

Bittersweet end....I can't believe I cried for yonks in this episode! I think it was the violin song too! They have a really sweet ending especially about music in their souls. AWW I just loved it!
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