Alas! The last episode!!! Well since it is the last episode, I did my best in cutting down my screencaps but it was too hard! So definitely major spoilers and you don't want to ruin the ending~ I have practically summed up the whole episode and leaving no bits out! I will not post screencaps of the movie as the movie had nothing to do with the storyline...unfortunately :(
Next!! I will blog about the introduction of Nodame Cantabile and Uta no Onisan!
Anyway, thanks for keeping in touch with all these episode screencaps whoever you fans are out there. Just be sure that I won't do 50 episode screencaps anymore!!! Its too tiring to keep up with it haha. Enjoy the last episode and comments are welcomed!
The one who inherit Kiva
(46 screencaps)

Bishop is on fire!!

Wataru sits at the throne and is being confronted by Taiga

Megumi helps to train Nago

Both came out to sort things out

Bishop's attempt to stop both Kings have multiplied in numbers and continuing to grow.

Bishop is confronted by Nago who will finish him off. Megumi is his guide (click to enlarge).

Bishop is winning!

However, Nago summed up the power to defeat Bishop along with Megumi's help.

Bishop sacrificed his remaining life source to revive King. Nago protects Megumi as Bishop explodes (to be literal).

Nago regains his sight and hugs Megumi LOL! So sudden...I meant the sight...(and of course the hug!)

Wataru went over to Taiga and gave him a hug. It is revealed by Shima that Taiga's position as King is targeted. Therefore, Wataru took Taiga's place in order to protect his brother. Aw...that's sweet.

Wataru was shocked to see the King when he and his father defeated him 22 years ago.

Wataru tumbling and sprawling over the dried-up river caught IXA's arm. He remembered what happened 22 years ago.

Wataru could not hold on and fell.

But Otoya caught him. I like the symbolic meaning. This show supports the parent-to-child aspect in life and I think that the writers and director did a really good job in just that.

Well somehow Wataru made it up the dried-up river ready for the last fight. Who cares how he got up the hill...they are going to fight! haha I like the art work of stained-glass on the fellas.

Taiga actually didn't kill Maya. He just made it up. That's why Dark Kiva was able to acknowledge him and his strength, because his anger did not drive him to kill his mother (that was how I perceived it). So the 2 boys started to fight in the end to understand how one feels through fighting.

Master is sick and couldn't make it to the occasion! He asked Kengo and Shima to carry all the presents away! Well...I guess you know what the occassion is!

Megumi gets her wishes from her mother, Yuri. Again, the symbolism is really touching.

Shima walks Megumi down the aisle

Haha Riki is devastated and can't stop clinging on to Jirou!!!

And no matter how many times Nago have been able to defeat the Fangire, he gets really nervous on his big day!

Meanwhile, Taiga is implementing new rules for the Fangire in that there will be a future where both the humans and Fangire will co-exist.

Spam scenes of the wedding kiss!! But don't forget to look at the expressions of Jirou and Riki....that was priceless. They are both a crack up!! Also, Nago is soooo nervous!

Wataru will play a song on the violin in celebration

Then somebody interrupts the wedding! Its Wataru's son 22 years into the future!

Well you guessed it....the grandson looks strinkingly like his grandfather, no? The large force field is what happening as there is trouble in the future with the Neo-fangire. Click to enlarge this picture.

Altogether, they go after the Neo-Fangire of the future.

Argh!!! Do you know how much I have been cringing the whole time for the series to finish and then something like this pops up! I reckon it is too good to stop!!!! What do you think? Do you think that they should have continued the story line?? Would've loved to see what happens after. Overall, I thought that it was a really good ending but the director/writer shouldn't have gotten my hopes up~ So now I am looking forward to something that won't exist! NOOOO lol hope you enjoyed my 48 screencaps over the whole series!
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