I don't know about you but the previous episode gives me goosebumps!! This have major spoilers too!! Though I have managed to cut down on screencaps haha. This episode literally fired up my socks! I was running around the house like a mad person wondering what will happen next and how will the whole series finish with only one more episode to go!!!
Episode 47
Break the Chain: Obey me
(26 screencaps)

Wataru has shown that he is superior to Taiga

Nago's eyes are failing him

Shima is back! And no...it ain't a 007

Master missed Shima so badly LOL

Shima asked Nago to put sugar in his coffee, but Nago missed.

Shima announced that Nago is no longer a part of Wonderful Aozora Organisation

Nago was saddened and Megumi went to comfort him

Wataru went to visit his mother and asked what happened to his father when he left 1986.

Bishop keeps on creating more Fangire and he is out to get Taiga.

Megumi tries to be Nago's eyes but he gets beaten easily.

In truth, Taiga missed to hit the critical point of Shima and he made sure that Shima gets the best of care and is cured. He used Shima's death to test Wataru.

Taiga got really upset that Wataru took his position as King and killed Maya for not giving him power.

Kivato 2 likes the vengeful Taiga so Kivato took it upon himself to give Taiga the power.

Bishop is getting closer to the revival of King.

Jirou is against Wataru becoming a Fangire King; especially stating that this is also not Otoya's wish.

Wataru argued back: "Do not blindly mention my father".

The 3 monsters then kneeled down before the new King.
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