Ned (Lee Pace) - Pie Hole owner and pie maker, first love is Chuck
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Anna Friel) - Ned's childhood sweetheart neighbour brought back to life by Ned
Emerson Cod (Chi McBride) - Private eye detective, Ned's business partner
Vivian Charles (Ellen Greene) - Chuck's aunt
Lily Charles (Swoosie Kurtz) - Chuck's alleged aunt, later revealed to be her biological mother
Olive Snook (Kristin Chenoweth) - Pie Hole waitress, and "hopelessly devoted" to Ned
Digby - Ned's golden retriever

Pushing Daisies centers on the life of Ned, a pie-maker gifted with the mysterious ability to bring dead things back to life by touching them. There are some conditions to this somewhat unusual talent. Ned quickly learns that if something is revived for more than exactly one minute, something of similar "life value" in the vicinity drops dead, as a form of balance. Additionally, if he touches the revived person or thing a second time, it falls dead again, this time permanently.
In the pilot episode, Ned discovers his gift as a child by resurrecting his golden retriever, Digby, after the dog is hit by a truck. He later brings back his mother when she dies of aneurysm. However, in doing this, he accidentally causes the death of the father of his neighbor and childhood sweetheart, Charlotte "Chuck" Charles, as the "price" of keeping his mother alive. Even worse, Ned's mother falls dead permanently when she gives him a good-night kiss (which is how he learns the effect of the second touch).

Inheriting his mother's baking talents, Ned becomes a pie-maker who owns a restaurant called "The Pie Hole", which he runs with the help of waitress Olive Snook (Kristen Chenoweth). The restaurant is failing financially when private investigator Emerson Cod accidentally discovers Ned's gift and offers him a proposal: Ned will bring murder victims back to life, inquire about the circumstances of their untimely death, then touch them once more, all before his set limit of sixty seconds is up. Emerson will then solve the case and they will split the reward money for solving the unanswered questions surrounding the death.
The scheme succeeds until they learn that Chuck, whom Ned hasn't seen since childhood, was murdered while on a cruise ship. When her body is shipped back home, Ned revives her, but can't bring himself to allow her to stay dead by touching her a second time. Against his better judgment, Ned allows her to live and the larcenous funeral home director falls dead in her place. Ned and Chuck fall in love again and he brings her home to live with him under the unique circumstances of their never being able to touch each other. Chuck is extraordinarily grateful upon receiving a second chance at life, and as such she starts to appreciate life as a truly precious resource and Ned, witnessing his vivacious beauty's happiness, begins to break out of his lonely shell.
This is where the fun begins!
~from wikipedia.
Quotes from Pushing Daisies!!!!
The best quotes and in my opinion funny are:
Ned: I asked you not to use the word "zombie." It's disrespectful. Stumbling around squawking for brains? It's not how they do. And "undead"? Nobody wants to be "un"-anything. Why begin a statement with a negative? It's like saying "I don't disagree." Just say you agree.
Emerson: Are you comfortable with "living dead"?
Ned: You're either living or your dead. When you're living, you're alive. When you're dead, that's what you are. But when you're dead and then you're not, you're alive again. Can't we say "alive again"?
Emerson: Well, that idea might make a stupid idea feel better about itself.
Emerson: We are giant, enormous idiots. And don't you say "gi-normous" because that ain't a word.
Olive: There are Commandments! We follow all ten, and I am commanding you to stop!
Emerson: Your book was a bomb.
Napoleon: Who are you to criticize my life's work?!
Emerson: Your book was a bomb. It exploded.
Ned: Do you know you have a "tell" when you lie?
Olive: Do I?
Ned: You answer questions with questions.
Olive: Maybe I know I have a tell and I know you know I have a tell and maybe I'm doing it now to confuse you because you don't know what tell I'm telling.
(Think American)
Ned: Did I say "can" because I swallow my consonants sometimes? Can't... N'T... come in.
Chuck: You said you wanted to know who killed me so that justice could be served. See, I don't think that "Justice" was on the menu. Maybe as a side dish, but not as an entree.
Ned: It was most definitely an entree. It was a Special of the Day. Could we drop the metaphor?
(Emerson got stucked in the small window trying to escape from a suspicious crime location - is quite angry and stressed about it; wanting to shut Chuck up).
Chuck: Remember, mind over matter will make Pooh unfatter.
Emerson: I might be stucked, but I can still reach my gun.
Emerson: Rhubarb.
Olive: What's that mean?
Emerson: PI secret code for 'get me a damn slice of rhubarb.'
Olive: This isn't Pies r Us, Pie City ... this is a bells on the door, pies-baking, mom and pop place. We chit chat here. Chit!
Emerson: Chat!
Emerson: You can't die of evilness.
Chuck: Happens all the time you do something mean or hurtful to someone like tell a secret... Bang! You're dead.
Olive: Or Bang! You're not really dead you're just pretending to be dead while other people who think you're dead are heartbroken.
Emerson: Or Bang! You talk too much and you both go wait in the car
It is only hilarious if you really understand the atmosphere of such a comical show!!
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